I'll never tell...

There are times when I'm angry and I want to say something in a fit of emotion. Sometimes, it could be really hurtful, and I don't think twice about it because I really need to get it off my chest. Most times, when I look back on those moments, I think that if I'd waited a day or two, I wouldn't feel the same anymore and I could tell these people what I feel calmly and maturely.

I'm bursting with something to say, but my mind is telling me to wait. I don't know when I last listened to my head. There's always a first time.


  1. What are you still angry about? What happened now? :-) Ok, try this. Reply to my email, in caps. You'll feel better. I swear. Lemme know if that helped.

  2. I'm not mad at you. Seriously. Will respond to your email when I'm in NZ. But, promise me you'll respond quickly?

  3. Ok. I'll respond quickly. However, I'm not in town from 8-12. Going home for bank work - so that time I might not be able to respond.


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