The road to hell is paved with good intentions

I'm sorry, I'm reading this story, and I find it so hard to believe that this is happening in India. I'm outraged and frustrated and have no idea what to do. I don't watch the news, and I hardly ever read the newspaper. Most of my general knowledge awareness comes from the tweets on my timeline. I knew the situation in Jammu and Kashmir was bleak, but this is beyond anything I ever expected.

This is disgusting coming from the world's largest democracy. I have tolerated a lot of horrible things that India has done before: the corruption, the pollution, the traffic, the bad infrastructure, poor healthcare, abuse of animals; but this can never be tolerated. I've never thought much about my country or my nationality before, but I am truly ashamed.

You know, I really appreciate what you did with Jessica Lal, media. I'm glad her killer got some justice. But, could you please help out with the situation in J&K? Can you go on that blitzkrieg you did with her case and please just do something? Can somebody please do something? This is a travesty of justice, a complete disregard of people's human rights. We have no right to complain about any other's country's violation of human rights till we can sort this situation out. I don't care if the state goes to Pakistan or wants to be independent. At this point, it is the Indian army or the Indian police who are doing this to the people of the valley, and they need to stop. Give people back their rights, treat them in a humane manner, and for God's sake, just listen to what they have to say.


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