A borrowed New Year's resolution

Yes, I know it's a little late for a new year's resolution. But, I wasn't public, remember? I just found this post I'd saved. I found it in someone else's blog. I wish I'd saved the URL, so I could source it. Anyway, I really identified with it because it seemed really positive and hopeful, and it was kind of the space that I was coming from as well. Here it is:

"I resolve to be a better me. I resolve to be there for those who need me. I resolve to be a positive influence on others. I resolve to learn new things and discover new places. I resolve to take care of myself physically, emotionally and mentally. I resolve to think positively about every situation. I resolve to be happy regardless of my relationship status. I resolve to travel more. I resolve to spend more time with those family and friends who matter most. I resolve to do good."

Original Blog

*Update* Found the original post through Google (Thank you, anonymous commentator, I think I must have been too lazy before)


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