The two year itch

Last week, I wanted to write about how I met a guy in a club, gave him my number (when he specifically asked for it), and never heard from him again. It affected me a little bit because I thought, here we go again, who hasn't heard this story before, and really, why would you fall for it again.

However, I'd rather talk about consistent urge to live in another city. I've been thinking about how I've only lived in 3 cities in my life. This is also when you apply my very loose definition of 'live' to be more than 6 months. So, there's Bangalore, Hyderabad, and Melbourne. Apart from Melbourne, I've stayed in the two cities I felt most comfortable in - I did my post graduation in Hyderabad, it was easy to stay back; I did my under graduation in Bangalore, and I had family who lived here, it was an easy city to pick when I wanted to move from Hyderabad. 

Now that I've been here for two years though, I feel like it's time to move again. I have to admit that when I moved to Melbourne from Hyderabad, and the second time I moved to Bangalore from Hyderabad, I was running away. I didn't like my life in that city, and I thought that moving would solve all my problems. It didn't. As you can clearly see. My problems all caught up with me this time last year and took a huge toll on me. The point is, this time, I'm not running away. Honestly, I'm not. Yes, I'm bored with my life in this city, but I don't think that my life is going to magically change the minute I move. I want to move because I want to experience life in another city. I want to be able to know the roads, the public transport, the cool eating joints, the random friends-all from another city. There's so much of life to live, why would you want to waste it staying in the same city for so long. I know traveling might seem like the most obvious solution, but it's not. Living in a city is so completely different from visiting it for 2 weeks.

Do you think 6 months from now I might be in a different city? It's always good to hope, right?


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