August is almost over and I've written just two posts. I could blame work, but I don't think that's it. I mean, I remember when I was in University and every time I just sat down to write a paper, I would write a blog post. I don't think I have anything to say. Actually, let me rephrase that...there's nothing I want to talk about. I seem to have run out of creative juices. Oh wait, that's not true. I remember I wanted to write a book review and then got lazy. Ah, laziness. My perfect fall back excuse.

I started working on August 1. For the first time in eight months. I sat in an office for the first time in three years. It has been a pretty monumental event in my life. I'm still learning on the job, so I don't have much to say on that front.

My mother's coming to live with my sister and me on Thursday. This is the first time we'll ever be living together. And, my dogs are coming on Friday. I am so excited about it. I can't wait for them to be back. Although, I'm sure the novelty will wear off in two weeks, and I'll just be grumbling about having to walk them all the time.

I watch 'Dog Whisperer' on Nat Geo pretty often though. I'm determined to be a better pet owner this time around. Practice exercise, discipline and affection. Be a pack leader and all that.


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