What's your weekend looking like?
I'm doing two things this weekend that are going to make me extremely uncomfortable. I joined this Singles only network where they organise weekly events at different venues across the city. It sounded like a fun thing to sign up for. I met the founder a couple of months ago and told him that I wanted to join. You pay a 3 month membership fee and then pay for each event. I've gone for two events in about two months, and I don't want to diss it, but I was extraordinarily uncomfortable at both of them. I kept telling myself that I would go for one that interested me, and voila, he sent out an email for a Theatre workshop, followed by lunch at Fat Chef (see below), and a play. It's the perfect outing. Except for the workshop. I've seen my share of movies to know what's involved in a theatre workshop. They're going to make you do something embarrassing, and everybody's going to be looking at you. It's going to be awful, and I have no idea how to get out of this. But, I really really want to have lunch at Fat Chef and watch the play. So, that's the first uncomfortable thing. The second one is because it's in the middle of nowhwere, I'm going in a car pool with other random people. I have to say that it may even be more awkward and horrifying than the workshop. Can you imagine? A car ride with four other strangers? Urgh.
The way that I'm looking at it is that this is something so far out of my comfort zone that I should be probably do it. I'm almost 30. I've traveled to countries by myself, just count this as an experience in an exotic country and try to make the best of the situation.
About the work thing, I feel like writing this blog post has given me the wake up call that I need. I'm going to get all the restlessness out of my system with this weekend. And, I'm going to pull up my socks and start being the hard working person I used to be when I first began. The fun and games are over. It's now time to work for my living.
While we're talking about work, I have to mention that I've realised I'm not a good writer. At least, I'm not a good formal writer. I always knew that I didn't know how to write academically, but I thought I'd be okay with work stuff. However, it appears that I'm not good at that as well. I want to say that I'm not a good writer all round, but something tells me that when it comes to writing fluffly chick lit, I might be okay, you know? What I am good at though: I'm a bloody good editor. I know what reads well, I know my punctuation, I know my sentence structure, I know how to put an article together. I'm a really good editor. Which makes me think that I missed my calling as a publisher. You remember that phase when I really wanted to do it? Well, I still do. But, I'm 30 now, and I've run out of the fire, I think. I mean, I need to settle down in something, don't I? Might as well be communications compared to internet advertising. Bleh.
Happy weekend, folks.
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