2012 musings

It's pathetic isn't it? 46 posts in 2011 when I was actually aiming for about a 100. My posts just completely stopped after October And, here I am. Just in time to do a cliched 2011 review. How do I make those accents on my keyboard? I'm really bothered that my 'e' in cliched doesn't have an accent!

2011 was a really eventful year for me. One of the most eventful years I've had in a while:

  • My best friend got married in February. I felt like party of the family, so it was the first wedding of the family, and I was thrilled. I had the best time ever.
  • I went through one of the worst phases of depression of my life. Although it started right after the wedding, it was not related to it at all, and it lasted all of 2 months. It was one of the debilitating moments of my life. I have never felt more alone, crushed, and worthless. It's something I would never wish on my worst enemy. And, I'm really glad that I decided to seek help for it.
  • As lame as this may sound, the Cricket World Cup helped me in getting out of this depression. In a way.
  • Visiting my best friend and her husband in Singapore in June was one of the best things I've done this year. I came back feeling refreshed, invigorated, and happier than I'd been in a long time. I'd like to credit the trip in giving me the courage to apply for the job I eventually got in August.
  • The job in August. Wow, what a life changing event. Not because of the work, but because of the fact that I was working, and getting paid! and meeting people! and everything else associated with a job.
  • My dogs came back in September, and my life was complete again. September, October, and November were as close to content as I would ever be. All because of the dogs. I think I under estimate how much a canine presence affects my life. (On a side note, my dogs are gone again, and I'm trying to be strong about it)
  • I went to Goa in November. It was a bit of a disappointment. I think the next time, I need to go by myself or with some good friends.
  • My sister got engaged in December. Woohoo! Finally, one of the three sisters. My future brother-in-law is a gem. She's very lucky. As is he actually.
I haven't made any resolutions for this. I have life goals that I hope to maintain for the rest of my life. You know, the usual, eat right, drink lots of water, cardio. I've also added one about being more social. Trying to go out more in the evenings. Fingers crossed for everything.


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