100 Days of Happiness

I finished the #100HappyDays Challenge last week. I have to admit, when I started, I didn't think I'd finish. I have this tendency to be lazy and lose interest in a lot of my projects. Most of the time, I get excited about a project and start it with intensity and then just lose interest and drop it.

The diet is a really good example. I was extremely disciplined about the first four weeks, then I ate some sugar and I haven't really been able to get back on track. Although, I'm slowly making my way there.

I think the reason I saw this through was because I felt like there were people keeping count and I didn't want to disappoint this imaginary audience.

It was an interesting experiment, I have to say. When I started, I kept thinking that I wouldn't find enough reasons to be happy every day. I mean, if I'm going out then yes, there's an easy reason. But, I found that even on days when I just sit at home and do nothing, it's not like I wish I was doing something else. I'm perfectly happy vegetating in front of the TV or reading a book and it makes me super happy, and so that's what I would document. I'd forgotten how many small and simple things can bring a smile to my face. 

This was my first post:

And, this was my last:

It was also interesting for me to do an analysis of all my posts and figure out if there were any repeats. If there were, then I probably need to do more of that to make me a happier person. And yes, I think number 1 was my dogs, number 2 was probably Crossit, and number 3 was food :-)

I like my happiness priorities.


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