You know, I'm a little tired of people trying to find explanations for the reasons behind the riots in London.

"Oh, they were from economically backward sections of society" "they were tired of being second class citizens"

Are you seriously kidding me? Do you know how many poor people there are in India? You don't see them going around looting their neighbourhood stores, do you?

I can understand the rioting to a certain extent. Okay, yeah, you were tired of being in the backward class, you were protesting the death of a boy. But, the looting? And, the violence. That is just not acceptable. These people know the difference between right and wrong, and they took advantage of the fact that they could get some free stuff without anyone noticing.

Have you seen this video of the Malaysian student who was hurt, and the people who pretended to assist him, took all the stuff in his backpack. It's deplorable.

Most of these people weren't fighting or protesting anything. They wanted to take things without having to pay for them. And, no amount of explanation can justify the mindless violence that ensued in London.

It was wrong, and they knew it.


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