One Day At a Time

It's been six days into the new year, and I haven't done anything productive to speak of. I haven't even made those year end lists that I normally make. You know, those, OMG, 2010 was so brilliant type of list.
I think it's because 2010 was completely unremarkable. Everything of note just passed by in a haze. Even my trip to Cambodia was unremarkable. I didn't do the things that I wanted to do, and I really wasn't in the right frame of mind to undertake the trip.
So, now, instead of focusing on the past, this post is dedicated to the present and what I hope to achieve out of this year.

It's strange that the end of the year should signal a change and whole list of resolutions. I mean, why can't we do this sometime in the middle of the year? Why is everything so neatly packaged as a new year, new beginnings? Whatever the reasons, I too have fallen for this package. I think it's because I was looking for a sign and a year end seems as good as any. Anyway, these are the goals that I want to achieve this year. Not just this year actually, it's something I hope to continue for the rest of my life.

1) Remove negativity from my life.
This is something that I thought about earlier as well. But, I was very half hearted in my attempt. The reason I didn't write to think positive all the time is I know it's going to be difficult for me to be positive all the time. But, I can start by removing negativity and just stop thinking negative thoughts. Whether it's about body image, the way I look, self pity, my job, even self deprecating humor is not going to be allowed. Every time I head down that direction, I'm going to distract myself with something else. This also involves not listening to other people with negativity. I'll either call them out on it or I'll ignore it and distract myself with other things. But, I've allowed myself to wallow in this pit for too long, and I'm not going to do it anymore. I'm an attractive, intelligent woman irrespective of my size or whether I have a boyfriend or a job. Nothing will take away from the fact that I am lucky: I have a wonderful family, and certain amount of financial independence, the freedom to do what I want, and a really good set of friends. I need to be grateful for the things that I have right now and not worry about anything else. They will come to me when the time is right.

2) Exercise and eat right.
I know that this sounds like a cliched New Year resolution, but exercising and fitness have to remain a part of my life forever. There is just no way around this and no shortcuts. How much ever I hate it, I have to make it a part of my routine wherever I go. Eating right is going to be a lot more difficult, but it is something I have to incorporate into my diet. I just have to be strong and not give in to temptation. It's so easy for me to eat a chocolate when I'm feeling hungry. I just need to distract myself and eat a fruit or some nuts. Or, just have a proper meal, woman!

3) Stop being selfish.
I know that sounds extremely childish and simplistic, but 2010 was a terrible year for people close to me. I was a selfish sister, a selfish friend, a selfish daughter, and a selfish pet owner. Just all around extremely selfish. I'm going to be more conscious of the things I say and do and how it affects the people around me. It's as simple as that.

4) Be productive and find a job.
I have to tell you, 2010 was one of my laziest years. I feel like I spent most of the year just sleeping and being lazy. Oh, and indulging myself. I indulged myself tremendously. Yeah, just an extremely slothful year. Actually, this is one of the only goals I have that is year-specific. I know, I can't afford to be slothful for the rest of my life. But, I feel like if I get sorted out in the job front, the productive aspect of my life will figure itself out.

So, here they are. Four lofty goals. One step at a time. I'm uncharacteristically optimistic.


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