When I grow up, can I be in Gryffindor, please?

In anticipation of the new Harry Potter movie that's coming out, I'm on a Harry Potter kick all this week. I have movies 3-6. I need to download 1 and 2. Then, I'm going to watch them all in succession up until Friday. I'm really excited! I wish I had all the books with me, so I could read all those again. But, they're all packed up in boxes. Maybe when I go to The Thing's place, I can read the last one all over again.

Going to Gurgaon on Wednesday. Yes, very excited about that. Also excited about my Cambodia trip. I mean, as excited as I can be. My mum's put a dampener on things in that regard. I'm hoping that by the time I leave, things will be better.

Anyway, happy wizarding everyone.


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